Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hola from the MTC!

We just got back from the temple. We went through the 7:00 am session. Therefore, we were up at 5am. I LOVE the spirit in the celestial room!
Well, the spanish is starting to click a little more each day. I especially have taken to heart the quote that someone told me about how it's a marathon not a sprint. I have to keep reminding myself of that. But the teachers here are great and are willing to help you until you get it. The hardest thing for me is I'm sort of having to teach myself the correct way to speak English before I can learn Spanish. Spanish is alot about Past Participles, Perfect Tense, etc... 

Now to try and answer some of the questions you all had. Jeremy, NO there isn't room service. The cafeteria food isn't the best but it will do. By the way they said that there are around 2,500 missionaries here with over 800 teachers. Aslo by the end of August over half the missionaries here will be speaking spanish. I agree that Shelby and Gage should start getting up at 6am for school.... That's when I get up! I am in building 13M on the top floor. I would tell you but room number but I can't have visitors. (mom!) 

The only missionary in my district that is going to Tulsa is my companion. However, everyone in the district, all 12 of us, are going in the US, and no there are no sisters in our dist. WE actually only have 4 in the whole zone. Someone asked if I had been to the referral center. The answer is no. They don't do that anymore. The church is now doing more advertising online. As of right now Elder Swanger and I are the only ones in our room. Hopefully we will get some roomates next week. Kim, I haven't seen anything outside of the MTC walls so I'm not too sure how Provo looks.  How are Erica, Heidi, Bailey, Shelby, Gage, Kallie, and Ty? I haven't heard anything from Erica and Heidi. I hope they are still alive!

I'm going to try and mail some pictures out today. Oh by the way I saw Elder Schenk today! Just as we were leaving the temple he was going in. We didn't get to talk long. He seemed like he's doing great! He said he hasn't heard anything more about his VISA. He's been here for 6 weeks now. Elder Lower seems to be doing good. 

Overall, I LOVE the MTC. One of my favroite things that I like to do here though, as I meitnioned earlier, is to contact people. The funnest people to contact are those who are speaking Mandarin, Chinese, or Japanese. Even though you don't have a clue what they are saying you can tell it's sincere. I love getting to teach 2 lessons a week as well. Getting to share my testimony and hear the testimonies of other 19 year old kids is amazing. It amazes me how much trust the Lord puts in 19-20 year old's.
Well, the clock on my screen is running low so I better hit send before I lose this all. I love you all. Until next Friday Adios!

Love- Elder Stoddard

PS. Keep the letters coming! They make my day!

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