Friday, August 27, 2010

Illness Strikes...

Well as you can tell from the subject line an illness has struck: Double ear infection. Yah I don't quite know how I got this one. However, everyone in our district has been sick for about a week, and because I am a Stoddard I picked it up. However, I must push forward!
Things this week have been GREAT! (Other than being sick). I saw Elder Dimond the day he got here. I had written him a note and stuck in his mailbox and another one in his classroom. (We are on the same building/ same floor for class!) Then at dinner that night I went and talked to him. Let's just say that is the best hug I have ever given/recieved. It felt like I was good to see a familiar face besides my district and those already here. He was pretty pail, but so was I the first day I came in. He said he felt pretty overwhelmed, but I assured him that everything is going to be fine. By the way he is in the same zone as Elder Lower. I can't believe that I've been here 2 weeks. Somedays it seems longer than that other days it only seems like a few days.
We had our 2nd TRC appointment this week. It actually went pretty well. We went knocking doors and had to carry on a conversation in spanish for 7 minutes and ask someone about their family, hometown, work, religious beliefs, etc. We then had ten minutes to prepare based upon the info we had about her and taught her about the restoration for 40 minutes. They record you and then you can go back and watch yourself and recieve feedback. Watching yourself teach is the weirdest experience ever! 
I still have no roomates. Just me and my companion in our room. However, we are supposed to get a new district this coming Wed. so we'll see. However, things with the companion have gone pretty well this week. However, from playing soccer for gym everday he has started fracturing his legs. (Stress fractures.) So we can't go out and play soccer anymore with our district. He has to ice his legs for 10 mins everyday and then we go and ride the bike/ lift. So it's working out good that way. However, I've come to love him for who he is. That's what the Lord expects of me. It seems like our whole zone is falling apart. One kid tore his ACL and MCL playing soccer. He has to spend an extra 5-6 weeks here. Another Elder in our district tore his miniscis playing soccer as well. He will find out this week wether or not he has to have surgery. It's pretty sad how many Elders/Sis here are on crutches. We saw a companionship the other day that one Elder had his arm in a sling and the other one was on crutches. Sad! Soccer is a dangerous sport!
This week our district has had the prime opportunity of getting to 'test run' a new program the church is thinking about implementing. We are the only district in the MTC that is doing it. We get to go online and chat with 'investigators' about the church. Here's the catch----- in SPANISH! It's pretty funny because it takes me a couple minutes to respond because the guy I'm talking to uses big words. So I'm madly flipping through my dictionary to try and answer him back. It's a great opportunity though. Right now he wants to know what we do in the temple so we have been talking about that.
This Sunday I get to play the piano for sacrament meeting. The district in our zone that is leaving is singing a song and asked me to play for them. Wish me luck!
Well... I can't say I'd rather be anywhere else right now. I love the spirit that is here. I also LOVE going to the temple every Friday morning. The spanish is still a bit hard but I know I can do it. One thing that we were told in a devo this week by a guy from the 70 was that the Lord didn't ask us as individuals to do this work, but he called Elder or Sister so and so. He reminded us that we have been set apart and therefore have extra help from the Lord. I keep reminding myself of that.
Well my time is down to 1:20 so I better run. I love you all. keep the letters coming. They make my day! See y'all next Friday!
Love, Elder Stoddard

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