Monday, November 1, 2010

3 Down and 21!

Well another week has come and gone. I'm not quite sure how I feel about that. Somedays are faster than others, but when you think about it I still have 21 months to go. This Thursday will be my 3 month mark! It's not too big of a milestone, but It's a bit of a one. This past Saturday night we got excited because we thought we got to turn our clocks back and get an extra hour of sleep, but we then found out---- not til NEXT week! Man! We are always needing extra sleep as a missionary!

Things here have been pretty good this past week. Although, we've ran into a bit of a hurdle with Manuel that we can't get him up and over yet. He LOVES his Bible and reads it 24/7. He read only 25 pages in Matthew and it has changed his life. He's only read 25 pages in the Book of Mormon and hasn't felt anything yet and now he won't read anymore. He says that he needs "evidence in the Bible that talks about the Book of Mormon." So we read Isaiah 29 with him, John 10:16, Ezekiel about the sticks, etc.... but he won't bite. We just keep bearing testimony of the Book of Mormon and gave him some of our favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon to read to hopefully strike a chord. He hasn't been to church in two weeks which is also hard. So he's kind of taken a step backwards, but we're working with him to help him with his concerns.

We have also started teaching this lady named Laticia this week and her daughter Angie. We had actually started teaching them a couple of weeks ago, but had lost contact with them because they moved, got a new job etc. But we picked them back up this week. Laticia is the sweetest mother you've ever seen. She's a single mother with 2 kids (Angie-9 and a 17 year old son who doesn't like us). She's doing all she can to keep food on the table and works like crazy as a waitress. But her kids are her pride and joy. The great thing is that her and her daughter came to church yesterday. (for the primary program.) I hoped they liked it. They sort of seemed up tight and nervous. We have another appointment with them tonight so we'll see how they felt. Sunday school was really good for Laticia to hear though. It was about the responsibilities of the members of the families. Sister Serna (sunday school teacher) kind of took her under her wing and gave Laticia a framed copy of the Family Proclomation. Laticia asked her, "Is this like the 10 commandments for the family?" So that was pretty neat. They seem pretty promising. She has even started sharing the gospel with those in her apartment complex!

With Wilfredo and Maria- we CAN NOT get them to church. Maria can not get out of bed in the mornings. She slept in til 1 oclock in the afternoon yesterday. We think that they just like us to come over and be friends. But, they don't really seem to have a desire when it comes to the church. For example- she invited us to come over on Tuesday for Tilapia with them. (Luckily I'll be on exchanges that day!) But she doesn't seem to want to put in the effort when it comes to church. They are really neat. We don't want to drop them, but we may have to. We're going to talk with them about it soon. We had an appointmenet with them last night, and it basically was a Halloween Fiesta. She just kept making Popcorn, pulling out cookies, drinks, and they didn't really want to hear anything. So that's how our Halloween went. You have NEVER seen so many trick or treaters in your life than out here. They take it as serious as Christmas! They have decorations in the yards, Orange chirstmas lights, etc. There were a ton of kids out last night.

I bet everyone in town is pretty excited again about Grace High football- how many years since they have been to state? Do they get to play on the blue turf in Boise? Tell Millward congrats for me.

I can't believe how much of a soccer fan I've become out here. The spanish people LOVE it! We play every Saturday morning with our investigators and members of the branch. It's pretty interesting. I'm definently not talented enough to play with "the big boys!"

Yesterday, we had the primary program in the branch. I couldn't understand a lot of it, but it was still pretty good. One little kid got up to the mic, saw how many people there were and then said into the mic- (to his teacher right next to him) "I can't do it!" It sure was a lot longer than the Grace 1st ward primary program!

Well- I better run. Things here are going well. I've almos made it through my first transfer. Transfers are Nov. 18th. I'll know the weekend before, but I'll probably be staying here. Thanks again for all your letters. Keep me posted with Heidi. Good luck!

Love- Elder Stoddard

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