Monday, November 1, 2010

My Oh My...

Well.... one week down and about 95ish to go! Things this week have been pretty good. I'm still trying to get used to everything that's going on. Luckily, we are in a CAR or else I would die riding a bike everyday. Supposedly, every spanish area here has cars and don't ride bikes much so we'll see. Speaking of bikes-yes my FINALLY came just a couple of days ago.

Right now we have 2 people with baptism dates. Jorge Huejuquilla (sp?) He's one that Elder Roberts and his companion before were teaching- so I can't really count it for me. He's lined up for the 30th of October. He said that he's going to talk to his girlfriend this week about moving out. He said he'll let us know when we go back over on Wednesday. But he's ready. He's been coming to church for 4 months straight now. They even gave him a home teaching assignment yesterday.

Manuel Estrada is the first miracle of my mission. He is the guy that we found the very first day I was here. He came to church again yesterday and has a baptism date for November 20th. He expressed concern though saying that he's committed adultrey quite a bit in the past so he doesn't believe he's good enough to join the church. We assured him though that he can be forgiven through the Atonement. He'll probably have to have an interview with Pres. Merkley before he can be baptized. I have a feeling he's going to have a hard time with the Law of chastity and Word of Wisdom. The other day we taught him about Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy and he seemed to do alright with that. So we'll see how good he does. But he loves coming to church and LOVES his Bible. He reads from the BOM and Bible every day and says he feels bad when he doesn't.

We are also working with antother couple (once again not married but living together) Wilfredo and Maria. WE can't get them to keep any of their commitments though. They won't come to church because she can't wake up in the morning, they never read on their own (even though we gave them the BOM on CD's to listen to because she can't read), etc. Everytime we go over there it almost feels like they expect us to read to them each time. They are really neat though. Maria is sooooo funny. She definently wears the pants in that house! They invited us over for dinner on Friday and she said she's going to make us the spiciest food we've ever had! Bring on Heartburn city! So if you hear from me next Monday it will be a miracle that I'm still alive!

Someone asked me if I've had to play the piano yet. Well in sacarament meeting---- no. There's an hermana in the ward that plays the simplified hymns every week. It's as if you take the symplified book and symplify it more. I play every week in priesthood however. So, I look forward to that every week. There are no spanish wards in the mission- only branches. However, the branch we are in is so big that it could become a ward, but they don't have the tithing and fast offering funds to become a ward quite yet.

I survived my first earthquake this week. I guess there was one in Oklahoma City on Wednesday- we felt the aftershock of it. It wasn't too bad. Just as we were sitting there during Companionship study our chairs started wobbling and our desk moved a bit. It was weird- but cool at the same time. Everyone that we visited that day asked us if we felt it. The hispanic people have been enthrolled with the Miners that were rescued in Chile. ( I believe that's where it was?) Have you heard anything about it? They ALWAYS had it on this past week as we went over to their homes.

The weather here is different. It's still in the 80's, and is a bit cool in the mornings. There's no humidity so that's one thing that's nice. I've noticed though that my hands get SO dry here. I'm constantly putting lotion on 24/7.

Also once again my address is:
7311 S. 99th Ave. Apt 1305
Tulsa, OK 74133.

I'm sorry if you had the wrong zip code. I hope Heidi can hold off. That's not a good sign if they are trying to jail break early! Good luck with those two in the future! Hear are a few mexican names I've heard of little kids this past week- Renzo, Jose, Josue, Jorge, Manuel, Miguel, Rico, Tomas, etc. Anyone of those will work for names.

Oh another funny thing. WE are trying to get on the good side of the parents of this 9 year old kid (Renzo). They are members, but don't want him baptized for some reason. The mother is NUTS! But we went over to meet them again after leaving them alone for a couple months and she told me I look like I'm 14. Also- everyone asks if I speak spanish because I don't say much because I get lost easily! So hopefully the gift of tongues comes soon!

My first embarrasing moment came this week- We were talking with Manuel about Bro. Americo Gutierrez who takes him to church each week. I was just trying to create small talk and asked him "Do you like Hermano Americo?" Well, I was asking if he thought he was a cool guy and got along with him. I however didn't know that your not supposed to use the verb gustar when talking about if someone likes someone else of the same gender. So basiclly I asked Manuel if he's gay. He said (and my companion had to explain later) "No! I like girls!" Manuel started rolling with laughter... Thankfully he knew what I was trying to ask... Needless to say I won't make that same mistake again! Why couldn't I have aske someone to wash their bananas instead of asking if they're gay? So, I've been a little gunshy when it comes to speaking lately.

But, for the most part things here are good. It's definently hard. My companion and I get along for the most part. WE have our differences and head butt every once in awhile but we're trying to get along.

Things here are good. Just CRAZY! I'm sorry I haven't been able to get as many letters out as I did in the MTC. Here we actually have to shop for food, and other stuff. So that takes up a bit of our day. But I LOVE getting mail. It keeps me going. The first couple weeks have been hard, but I'm hanging in there.

Well, take care until next Monday.

Love- Elder Stoddard

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