Monday, November 1, 2010

Tick Tock...

Tick-Tock my time here at the CCM (MTC in Spanish) is winding down. I have mixed emotions. Here in the MTC you are in a bubble of Zion. You don't hear anything about the outside world because nobody here talks about it, an army of missionaries walk around everyday, and everyone here has the same goal in mind. Yet, I'm ready to get out and see the world and start teaching people.
I do get to call on Wednesday. It will probably be around 9am your time. I will be calling you from Dallas while on our lay over. I will plan to call the shop unless you let me know otherwise! I'm excited to get to hear everyone's voice again! However, I may a bit drowsy since I will be up at 2am that morning!

So the sick bug hit again this week. I guess since it's my last week here I need to get sick one last time. I woke up with a sore-throat Monday morning and didn't think anything of it- used some Mucinex and Flonase. But by the time Thursday rolled around I could hardly swallow. I ran to the health clinic here and I have.........................................STREP! I know.... Thanks again mom for giving me a weak immune system! So I had a blessing last night and have been taking Cephalexin, Mucinex, Vitammin C, and Claratin D so I will be able to sing tomorrow. I won't miss that for the world. Even if I can't hit all the high notes I'll still be there!
So here's our schedule for tomorrow that I thought you might be interested in. We get "inspected" by the MTC presidency tomorrow morning at 9:30 am. If we don't have a missionary haircut, conservative tie, etc. they won't let us go. Then we watch the morning session of conference in the main building together as a choir. AS soon as the morning session gets over we head straight to lunch and eat fast! We load our assigned bus (we are taking 7 busses to SLC) @ 1:15 and leave here @ 1:30. We are going to watch the first bit of the afternoon session of conference on the bus as we go up. We will arrive at the Conference Center at 3pm and warm-up in a little theater that is also in the Conference Center that holds about 1,000 people is all. After we run thru the songs again with the organist that will be playing for us we have a potty break while we wait for the choir from the afternoon session to get out of the main theater. @ 4:45 we get to go in the main "choir loft" and run thru our songs with the main organ until about 5:15 or 5:30 ish. We have to be seated in our seats by 5:45 and ready to go. They won't let us bring anything to take notes on or anything. So when the Ensign with all the conference talks comes out I may have you send me one! After Priesthood is over we get a sack lunch as we get back on the bus and head back to campus! We will get back here around 9:45 ish they said. So it should be an exciting day!

Someone asked me what the MTC is like? Here is my answer---- It's like EFY on Steroids. You eat, sleep, drink church and spanish 24/7. You feel like you are sinning when you are in your pajamas at night or are wearing shorts on pday because you aren't in your church clothes. But- it's amazing the spirit that is here all the time. Just the last two days we taught 16 lessons. I've never been more tired in my life than last night after teaching so much, but it was a good tired.

Well, my time is running out here. The next time you hear from me you will hear my voice! Take care..... Everything here is good. Thanks again for all your letters. They keep me motivated!

Love- Elder Stoddard

Alma 26:12

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