Sunday, September 26, 2010

Do Re Mi...

Well as you can tell from the subject line...... I GET TO SING AT GENERAL CONFERENCE!!!!! Sorry mom, but it is during Priesthood Session. All in all there are 364 of us. Because I get to sing in the choir we had practice this morning during our original temple time. So we went to a later session.... that's why I'm a little slow in emailing today. We are singing Hark All Ye Nations, Called to Serve, and Go Ye Messengers of Heaven (it's in the hymn book). WE have practice almost every morning from 7-8 am.... But I'm excited to have the opportunity to sing! I'll let you know more about what our day will be like that Saturday etc.... when I know, but that's what I know right now.
Well my mission experience is starting to become a reality now. I recieved my travel plans last night. On October 6 we have to report to the travel office at.... wait for it.... 3 AM. Yeah not too excited about that. WE fly out of SLC on American Airlines flight # 416 @ 6:00 am and Arrive in Dallas/Fort Worth @ 9:45 am. We have a lay over there for about an hour and 15 minutes. Then we fly American Airlines again flight # 1328 Leaves Dallas/Fort Worth @ 11:05 am and arrive in Tulsa @ 12:00 Noon. There are 5 of us total going to Tulsa that day. I'm still not sure if they will let us call. It is up to our  branch president. He has to give us the go ahead before we leave. So I will find  out this week hopefully and let you know. I would have to call you from Dallas because I don't think you would be too happy if I called you @ 4:30-5:00 am from SLC! Plus they don't like us calling from the SLC airport for some reason. If I do get to call (which I believe I will) It will probably be around 9ish your time. I was wondering if you wanted to run up to grandpa and grandma's so I could say hi to you all?  Just a thought... let me know what you think about that idea. But I'll keep you posted. 
Okay... enough with the boring stuff... This week we taught the Plan of Salvation for the first time in spanish at the TRC and we had to include the Word of Wisdom. It was definently a challenge, but I feel we did pretty good with it. I'm starting to see a tiny bit of growth in my spanish. I'm still pretty hard on myself  and beat myself up about how bad my spanish is, but I'm starting to see an improvement. I've been to the tutor twice this week, and that has helped alot. It's also nice to have progress interviews with our teachers to hear their point of view of how they think your spanish is coming. But, I know they are being WAY too nice.
Overall, this week has been GREAT. Between getting in the choir, and recieving travel plans, and realizing that I'm going to have real investigators soon is a nice change. AS the time to head out I'm starting to get nervous. Just because it's going to be a new change, and I have NO IDEA what to expect. But, I can't wait  to acutally talk to some real people.There's only so much experience you can get teaching other missionaries 24/7. So I'm ready to get going!
Well, I don't have too much more time. Sorry this email was a bit boring with my travel plans, etc... But that's the extent of what went on this week. Good luck with harvest. I'm glad things have beeenn going good so far. We'll talk to y'all later....
Love- Elder Stoddard

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