Sunday, September 26, 2010

6 Weeks Down

Holy cow.... I don't know what to think of having been out for 6 weeks. Some days it feels like the time flies by, while other days last forever! Como le van? (How are you all?) Estoy bien! How is harvest going? Some days I'm glad I'm not there in the thick of it all, but other days I miss it. The biggest thing I miss about is Arda's fries. Arda, will you FedEx some down??? Gracias!
Things this week have gone pretty well. I still haven't heard anything about the choir thing yet. My guess is it would be for Priesthood Session (Sorry mom!) The people in charge of it thought they would probably let us know through the mail this week. I won't have my mail til later today. If I do get something saying I'm in before the end of the day I'll drop you a quick note in the mail.

We had our 2nd complete spanish TRC this week. We had to contact a "store clerk" on our pday. The clerk tried to jack up prices, and we were supposed to jew him down. It was pretty fun. After we bought our things we were supposed to get to know them and share a message about families. We then prepped a lesson based upon The Restoration for ten minutes and went back and taught for 35 minutes in total Spanish! Next week we will teach the Plan of Salvation in Spanish. Should be fun! The TRC's are great, but I'm ready for some real investigators! The spanish is coming along more and more each day. It's amazing at how much you can learn at the MTC in such a short amount of time. I know that I recieve help from upstairs. I'm not feeling to horrible about my spanish because we have a Mexican in our district that can't catch on yet!  
A quick update on my foot- all is doing well. It's just frustrating that I can't play soccer with the rest of my district.  The doctor said it will take about 3-5 weeks to heal completely. I just have to rehab everyday during gym time. But talking to the doctor and trainers they seem to think there will be no delay in when I leave!
I'm glad to hear Salvador and Roxanna are going thru the temple soon! Can they do a session in spanish? I wish I could be there for it!
Well, my time is running out. I'm sorry this is a VERY random email. There's not much to talk about life in the MTC. I hope harvest goes well. You're all in my prayers. I'm so glad to be where I'm at right now. I just can't wait to get to Oklahoma... Getting a bit of cabin fever here! 
Take Care,
Elder Stoddard

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