Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Lord Answers Prayers

Sorry I'm so late getting to you today. I've been at the doctor most of the day getting my ankle checked out. I'm sorry mom if the phone call from the nurse scared you. Yes I was sitting right there when she called you. To make a long story short I came down on someone else's foot while playing soccer last Tuesday. I dind't think anything of it, but after a few days it kept getting worse and started to swell and I couldn't put any weight on it. I went to the trainers at the gym and they iced for a few days and then sent me to the clinic here. They took X-rays and then said everything looked alright, but they still wanted me to go and see a podiatrist. I just got back from there. He took more x-rays because they thought something was maybe fractured on the side of my foot. However, after taking more x-rays he believes it's a pretty good case of tendenitis. He showed me some stretches to do, gave me a brace to wear, I'm supposed to ice and heat it everyday, and not play any sports whatsoever. He said it should heal within 3-5 weeks. (That's about when I leave this place!) He also said to take some anti-inflamatory for it. So I'm going to take some Tylenol. But, thankfully nothing was broken. I didn't want to go and see anyone about it. I don't want it to slow me down, but I had to give in. It was pretty neat though because the guy that drove us to the doctors office just got back off of his mission to Tulsa and loved it. He said that the spanish missionaries cover 8 areas and are in CARS!

I know the Lord answers prayers. I fasted last week that we would get roommates, and that I would make it through the TRC fine. Prayers were answered.... WE HAVE ROOMMATES! We moved down the hall into another room. We are rooming with Elder Cook from Hawaii, and Elder Montgomery (not quite sure where he's from) both going to Orlando FL spanish speaking. They are both great Elders. It's nice to have someone to lean on.

The TRC in total spanish went really well. I think that I'm my own worst critic sometimes. I got so sick before we went in to do it, but I made it thru. I didn't know I could speak so much spanish! I shared a scripture from Ether 12:4 and then we taught the first lesson in spanish. I'm grateful that I was able to make it through just fine. It amazes me how much the Lord blesses his missionaries. It's just another brick on the stack to show that this is HIS church.

Another thing, they started up MTC choir this week. We went and sang in it on Tuesday night for the devotional. They announced there that they are putting together a choir of Elders......... Wait for it....... for General Conference! they had us fill out a survey about how much background in music/singing we have. I filled one out and then they are supposed to let us know thru the mail. I'll let you know when I do.

This week I gave my first blessing.... Last night as a matter of fact. My comp came and asked if I'd give him one. He hasn't been feeling very well lately and said he needed a blessing from me. Elder Cook, the roommate, annointed him and then I gave the actual blessing. Other than flying, I have never been so nervous in my life! I've annointed before, but have never given an actual blessing. But it was good experience as well. Because he asked for a blessing I believe our companionship has been strengthened.

The spanish is starting to come a bit more now. It's still slow. Somedays I feel like Laman and Lemuel saying, "This is too hard!" and other days I feel like Nephi, "I will go and do the things the Lord commands." Now to answer a few questions: Dad wanted to know who gets to go out and pull the missionaries away from the balling mothers. Usually they let the missionaries who only have a week or two left do that. So hopefully I will get to in a couple of weeks! I can't wait!
Well, my time here is about done. Don't worry about me though. I'm doing good. I'm getting ready for a change of scenery though. It will be nice to see the real world soon.....

Love Elder Stoddard

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