Sunday, September 12, 2010

1 Down 23 to go...

Wow... I don't know whether I'm shocked that one month has passed or if it has gone by slow. Here in the MTC you have NO concept of time. Days feel like weeks and weeks feel like days. In just 4 and a half weeks I will be on my way to Oklahoma. We got 2 new districts this past week in our zone and there is an Elder from the part of Kansas that my mission takes in. He said to be ready for some rednecks! He also said they have quite the questions about the bible.

Anywho, before I forget... I just barely saw Elder Schenk about 5 minutes ago. He can't get a VISA and is being re-assigned to Eugene, Oregon and leaves on Monday. He said he hasn't learned anymore about his VISA or whether he will be speaking Portugese, Spanish, or English when he gets to Oregon. He just found out yesterday he was being re-assinged for now.

This week we taught our VERY LAST lesson in English. From here on out it's all in EspaƱol. I think that this Wednesday will be the scariest day of my life. We will teach our first lesson in Spanish. They say it's your first time to measure your progress with how well you are learning the language. I'm excited and nervous both. So keep me in your prayers that I can make it through Wednesday. Since we have also hit our halfway point we are now supposed to go cold turkey with Spanish. We can't say a word in English in class, and we're supposed to say as much outstide of class in spanish as well. Let's just say I'm glad that we get to come to the MTC for a while to learn the language. Here we can make mistakes and be alright. Everyone will be understanding. I'm glad I'm not out in the field quite yet to be thrown out into the fire without being able to communicate very well yet.

I think my first wave of homesickness MAY hit tomorrow around 5pm. (BYU football game). LES is literally outside the backside of the gates of the MTC so we'll be able to hear everything. We are supposed to have gym while the game is going on. I already informed my comp that we will be doing gym inside that day. No, I'll be fine though.

Well, my time is almost up. This half hour flies by each week! Keep the letters coming! Don't worry I'm NOT homesick. It helps that they keep us pretty busy here 24/7. Hopefully you will be able to cut grain soon. Maybe you'll have to put Erica, Heidi, and Roxanna on the combines during potato harvest to finish up cutting grain! Ha! Well, take care and we'll talk to y'all next week!

Love- Elder Stoddard

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